Monday, January 26, 2009

Let's have a good intiative of documenting salsa moves

The Greatest problem that faces any Salsero is remember the classes he already

Took so that he can apply then gracefully on the dance floor , Why i didn't mention

The Salseras cause it is a big headache for them , they Just usually follow the man's

Lead which sometimes can be easily read if he is having a skill in leading well using

His arm moves and his finger and wrist orientations correctly .

So what we Intend to do here is video record and post the videos online so that we can make use of what we have learnt and go on with it , It is true that the only way of

Good Salsa is the practicing , but sometimes we are running out of time , or just facing the usual problem of not finding any dance mate so we need some nice videos

To keep our memory refreshed , and that is one method

And as an example of one video I have managed to record of course with permission
I want to share with all of you so that we can start .

Check this video and tell me what do you think , and if you have problems let us discuss and find a solution

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ya i have a problem mr fadi , iam not invited to see this